September 25, 2024 - November 3, 2024

Are you ready for 40 Days for Life?

Starting September 25th and running until November 3rd, the pro-life community across London will be silently and prayerfully standing up against abortion in our city by standing near the intersection by Victoria Hospital (where surgical abortions in the London-area take place) and praying for an end to abortion for 40 days straight (excluding Sundays)! Whether you can find the time to show up for one hour a week (or even one hour a month), we need all hands on deck to pull this off!

Please sign up for 40 Days for Life here: You can also notify us when you’ll be at our vigil site (the sidewalks at Wellington Rd & Commissioners Rd E) or if you need a sign by contacting us at or by calling us at 519-659-3334.

If you can help us in any other way (such as by signing up people for 40 Days for Life at your church, or by bringing signs to or from the vigil site at the beginning/end of the day) please let us know. 
